Songs are my connection to the spirit world. We are all
ONE VOICE and ONE COLOR, the color inside all of us is RED --- Standing Deer

Featuring Blue Spruce Standing Deer & Marti White Deer Song


The name Medicine bird was inspired by Pba-Quen-nee-e's (Standing Deer's) spirit bird and represents the Golden Eagle revered for its power and the amazing clarity and depth of sight. It is the spirit of this sacred bird that frequently brings him images that turn into songs.

In the following clip, by Nancy Red Star Standing Deer explains his meeting with the Medicine Bird. It also features some of the art of Standing Deer and Marti White Deer Song.

Medicine Bird Gallery displays the paintings, music and ceremonies of Pba-quen-ee-e (Blue Spruce Standing Deer) and the paintings of Marti Fenton White Deer Song.The name "White Deer Song" was given to Marti by Standing Deer because the presence of the white deer comes to her frequently in dreams and was one of the first images she painted when she came to Taos, New Mexico two decades ago.

Standing Deer and Marti live and work in Taos, New Mexico. We invite you to visit our world and enter our virtual gallery.